Banners and Crests
Find a templates for creating campaign logo banners, Discord event banners, crest banners, and crests.
All of these resources are free! Creating art and resources takes a great deal of time and effort. As a helpful gesture, feel free to note you used Sonceri Resources and Templates at Thanks!
📄️ Custom Banners
Create custom banners for characters, events, organizations, guilds, and more!
📄️ Discord Event Banners
Discord includes an amazing option to add events with locations, descriptions, and more. But why not make it look fabulous? You can use any of the Warcraft Event Cards for a banner, or this Discord Event Banner! These banners use edited WoW models, custom drawing and edited textures, personal use free fonts, and have Hearthstone card art as temporary content. You can add your own images, group art, screenshots, fonts, and more!
📄️ WoW Logos
Create your own WoW Logos for events, campaigns, and guilds! Using the base logo images from World of Warcraft, these Photoshop files give you the ability to add art and text, generating custom logos for your groups. You can use these in Photoshop or online Photopea. Gimp and other apps will not keep the text and layer effects.
📄️ WoW Guild Crests
Remember the amazing Warcraft guild crests from the WoW site, and the incredible crest creator? Alas, the creator is no longer available. Using the symbols and ideas, here is a custom Photoshop file to select options, colors, and save guild crests! This uses a mix of edited WoW discs, custom discs, WoW models, WoW Guild icons, and additional options.