Video by Sonceri
April 18 - 24 2022 | Alterac Campaign
A violent storm brews in the Alterac Mountains, and the misbegotten children cast out seek vengeance against the Alliance, Horde, and neutral allied by summoning new powers into the fray. Lok'harak, a Frost Lord of ancient tales rises from the depths from the help of the Syndicate and the Winterax Tribe to bring about an eternal winter to all of Alterac, and if not stopped, all of Lordaeron. The Alliance and Horde must work together to stop the eternal winter and cast out the local brigands in Everfrost.
Warcraft Conquest presents Everfrost, a narrative and D20 campaign set to run between April 18th - April 24th in Alterac. This story continues our journey to battle a rising frost lord seeking to plunge Azeroth into an eternal winter. Players from Moon Guard, Wyrmrest Accord, and US servers are welcome!

Open to All
IC campaign across all US servers and factions: Alliance, Horde, and Neutral. Based on Moon Guard - US. We welcome new DMS and players!

Connect in Discord
Schedules, plans, discussions, narration updates, RP prompts, and more are tracked in the Warcraft Conquest Discord and Twitter.

Events take place across the Alterac mountains, using locations in Hillsbrad for camps and events. AV and other locations as proxies.

D20 & RP Events
We use the simplified Conquest D20 system for PVE/PVP encounters. Additional mechanics and campaign loot available per DM.

Vehicle Battles
We use the Conquest Warmachine system for vehicle battles in Discord, including naval, land, and air.

Campaign Camps
Camps for the campaign coming soon.
Campaign Events Preview
Get a sneak peek into campaign events including stories, PVE, PVP, and vehicle battles. Additional events will be added over time. Coming Soon!