November 11 - 21 2021 | Barrens Campaign
Emboldened by the thinning lines of Alliance and Horde, the mongrels of the Barrens now aggressively test the defenses of the major factions. Patrols, traders, and even fortified outposts of the Horde and Alliance have been attacked, with false flags planted to stoke the tensions of the thinly-held armistice. Quillboar war drums thunder from the depths of the Kraul. Centaur and Harpies raise war banners. The Venture Company arms these denizens with equipment salvaged from the Iron Horde, seeking vengeance for their losses in Stranglethorn. In the shadows of the Overgrowth and within the walls of Northwatch Hold, a clandestine power seeks to ignite the flames of war.
The Thornwake rises. The Alliance and Horde will have to face it - and each other.

Warcraft Conquest presents Thornwake, a narrative and D20 campaign set to run between November 11th - November 21st in the Barrens. This story continues our journey to battle foes in Azeroth, plaguing the Barrens and threatening to tip the factions into open war. Players from Moon Guard, Wyrmrest Accord, and US servers are welcome!

Open to All
IC campaign across all US servers and factions: Alliance, Horde, and Neutral. Based on Moon Guard - US. We welcome new DMS and players!

Connect in Discord
Schedules, plans, discussions, narration updates, RP prompts, and more are tracked in the Warcraft Conquest Discord and Twitter.

Events take place across the northern and southern Barrens of Kalimdor. Forces set up camp and seek dangers to homes and strongholds.

D20 & RP Events
We use the simplified Conquest D20 system for PVE/PVP encounters. Additional mechanics and campaign loot available per DM.

Vehicle Battles
We use the Conquest Warmachine system for vehicle battles in Discord, including naval, land, and air.

Campaign Camps
Camps for the campaign will not move, with Alliance in Northwatch Hold and Horde in Crossroads.
Campaign Events Preview
Get a sneak peek into campaign events including stories, PVE, PVP, and vehicle battles. Additional events will be added over time.
Campaign PVP Maps
These maps track the ongoing PVP battles through Ashenvale and the Barrens. Objectives and results will be noted nightly. We use Conquest D20 Simplified 1.2 rules for D20 PVP battles. This template can help create and track your character abilities and status.
Finale Events
We have two finales planned with a series of events per night: Thornwake Druids and Gravetusk Quilboar!