Tropic Sunder
April 4 - 10, 2021 | Stranglethorn Campaign
Stranglethorn, the everblooming jewel of the southern Eastern Kingdoms, is lush and rife with flora, fauna, and people of all cultures. As the Horde and Alliance have settled their war and the shadow of Death looms over the world, threats have risen deep within the tropical wilderness. Skirmishes with the remnants of Colonel Kurzen's rebellion have brought the attention of the humans of Stormwind. The Zandalari's new allegiance to the Horde has sparked dissent among the Gurubashi Trolls; slights and years of war against them are not so easily forgiven. Dark forces are afoot, stirring these tensions and preparing for a dark ritual. The jungle holds many dangers, but those who know where to look will find riches beyond imagining.
Warcraft Conquest presents Tropic Sunder, a narrative and D20 campaign that will take place between April 4-10th, 2021, in Stranglethorn Vale. Roleplayers and Dungeon Masters are welcome, with events hosted on Moon Guard-US.

Open to All
IC campaign across all US servers and factions: Alliance, Horde, and Neutral. Based on Moon Guard - US. We welcome new DMS and players!

Recommended Addons
We recommend TotalRP3, Cross RP, Listener, Dicemaster, Elephant, and WC Handy Notes (per campaign). Find addons in apps like

Connect in Discord
Schedules, plans, discussions, narration updates, RP prompts, and more are tracked in the Warcraft Conquest Discord and Twitter.

Stranglethorn Vale
Events take place across the jungles, rivers, camps, Zul'Gurub outside instance, and Booty Bay. Chromie time not recommended.

D20 & RP Events
We use the simplified Conquest D20 system for PVE/PVP encounters. Additional mechanics and campaign loot available per DM.

Vehicle Battles
We use the Conquest Warmachine system for vehicle battles in Discord, including naval, land, and air.