Event Rules
Sign Up
To sign up for a vehicle battle, submit your unit stat block and token art with the initiative turn order entry to the Discord Channel for the event. DMs will look everything over, and help with any questions. If you need a token, your group may have a channel for graphic requests or artists able to create something for you.
Before the event runs, the Turn Order is listed for everyone, including the stated out enemies. Some may not be posted till later in the fight as the enemies appear.
Initiative and Turn Order
Initiative determines what round in a turn you go. A turn typically includes 3-5 rounds depending on how many enemies and allies are in a battle.
Initiative is a 1d100 roll. When posting your unit for a vehicle battle, roll and include the result for the event. If you take the Damage ability First Striker, you always go in round 1 of the turn.
The DMs build a turn order and provide the list before the battle. When it’s time to attack, you will be pinged in the OOC discussion channel. We recommend keeping an eye on the battle though! This system includes many abilities for attacking, healing, and responding to situations outside of your round!
Turn Orders and Entries
The event is controlled through the turn order. Every Turn is made up of Rounds. Typically most battles have about 4 Rounds in every Turn. To build these, place units in turns based on their rolled initiative and First Striker ability.
For example, 4 Rounds may break down into initiatives 1-25, 26-50, 51-75, 76-100. If these is a bit of imbalance, such as too many in a round, shift slightly to compensate either through enemy distribution or shifting the ranges.
Each player and enemy unit is listed in the Turn Order with a much more reduced amount of information. Damage Resistance and Weakness is controlled through game play, roleplay, and the event. DMs won’t have your info, and you won’t have the enemy info listed in the turn order. You must provide it in your tokens entry to the event.
Don’t worry, through the battle, you can quickly determine what takes extra damage through those resistances and weaknesses if you pay attention, strategize, and want to figure it out. Otherwise, don’t worry about it and have fun!
The entry should look something like this:
DiscordName - Name of Unit - HP ### - Atk 1d### - Initiative ###
For example, the ArcShard has HP 150, Atk of a 1d100, and a rolled initiative of 56. If there are 4 Rounds, I could expect to be in Round 2. The entry for this unit would be:
superdude - Grish'na - HP 250 - Atk 1d100 - Initiative 56
Same for enemies, the entries will start with the Discord Name of the DM and this basic information. We also add a 💀skull icon indicating enemy. Ally NPCs may have entries with an icon for their affiliation. For example, an enemy mini-boss of Klakviss Khan could have the following entry run by Sonceri:
💀cooldm - Klakviss Khan - HP 350 - Atk 1d125 - Initiative 77
Your Battle Round
When it’s time to battle, a DM (usually the lead running the battlemap) will ping using the OOC-battle-discussion channel that it’s your turn to fight! You then use the d20-battle-rolling channel for battle rolls. Type /r, choose the top option /r command. Enter 1d### such as 1d100 or 1d125 depending on your build.
You then write your roleplay post, name your target (using bold is a big help), and describe your attack. At the end of your entry, post in ( ) the vital information for the attack:
(### dmg Damage Type to Enemy Name @DMdiscordname)
For example, the ArcShard is using laser cannons to battle Klakviss Khan. They roll 1d100 for a result of 75. The post describes how the ArcShard flies in, targets Klakviss Khan, she utters a catchphrase and describes how the arcane fueled cannon carves through the enemy. This gives hints to the DM and other players of your ability. The end of the post would have:
(-75dmg Arcane Spellwork to Klakviss Khan @DMdiscordname)
The DM updates the hit points for the enemy, responding with an RP post of how the enemy reacts and their updated hit points. If the enemy is weak to Arcane Spellwork, they handle the additional -25 damage. Through that, you may learn something about that enemy!
DMs may ask for 1d100 killing blow calls for major bosses, enemies, and situations in a mission. Everyone is open to rolling for that win. If you win, no need to write the damage you do. Just write an epic post!
Fast Repair/Brink of Death
If an attack reduces your hit points to 0 or negative, you lose your actions until healed. You can decide to leave the field (leaving the event) or call out for healing and repairs. When healed, you are back into the battle.
When at 0 health, you do not lose any ability charges or your turn order.
If you used (D) Self Destruct, that's it. That ability is meant to take you out of the battle while attempting to deliver a strong blow to everyone around your unit.
OOC Repairs/Heals
You have a choice if your unit would be repaired or healed before the next VB. You are not locked to one token, one unit, per campaign. You can always bring another vehicle, unit, etc. Options for Hard Core, in-game or discord repair events, and so on may be added depending on length of campaign arc.