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Warcraft Conquest

Video by IKEdit

Roleplay & Roll Play, Battles for Azeroth

The Warcraft Conquest Discord Server is a community project that focuses on coordinating fun and dynamic roleplay plot lines set in the Warcraft universe, conducted through dungeon mastered PvE-D20, PvP-D20, RP-PvE, and RP-PvP events. We hope to provide a platform for networking and collaboration for players on the Moon Guard-US and Wyrmrest Accord-US World of Warcraft servers, and others wishing to join! Many immersive graphical and written resources have been created by members of this project that any player may use in their roleplay.

We welcome players of diverse backstories and themes to our events, including all factions Alliance, Horde, Argent, and other neutral and independent forces. Campaigns welcome IC conflict and resolution, respectful of player boundaries and fairness. See our Code of Conduct.

Open to All

Open to All

We welcome new and veteran DMs to build campaigns and run events with us. We provide DM workshops, Discord channels to plan, event marketing, and signup management.

Recommended Addons

Recommended Addons

We recommend TotalRP3, Cross RP, Listener, Dicemaster, and Elephant. Find addons in apps like

Connect in Discord

Connect in Discord

Schedules, plans, discussions, narration updates, RP prompts, and more are tracked in the Warcraft Conquest Discord and Twitter.



Explore your character story through battles, roleplay, events, and writing prompts. We provide in-game and in-Discord options to explore. Stock up on Elixir of Tongues!

D20 & RP Events

D20 & RP Events

We use the simplified Conquest D20 system for PVE/PVP encounters. Additional mechanics and campaign loot available per DM.

Vehicle Battles

Vehicle Battles

We use the Conquest Warmachine system for vehicle battles in Discord, including naval, land, and air. See these resources!

Join Our Discord

Discord is the backbone of our operation. All planning, announcements, and signups are run through the Discord. Join, select roles, and be welcome!

Follow in Twitter

Our Twitter is another route for sharing information, following your adventures, and organizing with more roleplayers.

Campaign Timeline

44 L.C. / April 2023

Tempest's Fury

None can withstand the storm!

41 L.C. / November 2022


Pitiful wretches, fall and join my army...forever.

41 L.C. / April 2022


May the world fall to endless winter.

40 L.C. / November 2021


Blood and rage will not wait long in these hills.

40 L.C. / April 2021

Tropic Sunder

Of course. I bring de word from Zul’Gurub. We tink it be time for new leadahs here in de Vale.

39 L.C. / Sept 2020

In Death's Shadow

Forces of the Alliance and Horde descended upon the Forgotten Shore with the hopes they could put the fallen spirits to rest held in their hearts. But the rage and torment caused by the tearing of the sky made such a mission impossible to complete.

39 L.C. / May 2020

Visions of the Vale

“The accused has been found guilty of crimes against the Pandaren people, and treason against brothers and sisters-in-arms in the campaign against N’zoth.” The dreamer’s sleep was interrupted--

39 L.C. / Feb 2020

Shadow in the Sands

We are....Ș̸̓A̷̍ͅT̴̜́H̴̢̍O̵̙̔G̴̬̋... That Which They Woke...YOU woke...

38 L.C. / Oct 2019

Siege of Nazjatar

This was the closest the mind could accomplish to understanding the Laughter of a freed, reborn, awake One. He who was ancient before the World had cooled.

38 L.C. / Aug 2019

The Argent Trial

The Void aberration loomed above, growing fat off of the souls of the war-dead.

38 L.C. / July 2019

Depths of Vashj'ir

Carve through the landwalkers...sing your siren's call...heed the rising shadows...our time has come!

38 L.C. / March 2019

Conquest of Zandalar

No, I will not surrender. Because no matter what happens here today... Zandalar will stand long after your Alliance has crumbled to dust.

38 L.C. / Jan 2018

Siege of Antorus

That which you have stolen will be your undoing...