Roleplay & Roll Play, Battles for Azeroth
The Warcraft Conquest Discord Server is a community project that focuses on coordinating fun and dynamic roleplay plot lines set in the Warcraft universe, conducted through dungeon mastered PvE-D20, PvP-D20, RP-PvE, and RP-PvP events. We hope to provide a platform for networking and collaboration for players on the Moon Guard-US and Wyrmrest Accord-US World of Warcraft servers, and others wishing to join! Many immersive graphical and written resources have been created by members of this project that any player may use in their roleplay.
We welcome players of diverse backstories and themes to our events, including all factions Alliance, Horde, Argent, and other neutral and independent forces. Campaigns welcome IC conflict and resolution, respectful of player boundaries and fairness. See our Code of Conduct.

Open to All
We welcome new and veteran DMs to build campaigns and run events with us. We provide DM workshops, Discord channels to plan, event marketing, and signup management.

Connect in Discord
Schedules, plans, discussions, narration updates, RP prompts, and more are tracked in the Warcraft Conquest Discord and Twitter.

Explore your character story through battles, roleplay, events, and writing prompts. We provide in-game and in-Discord options to explore. Stock up on Elixir of Tongues!

D20 & RP Events
We use the simplified Conquest D20 system for PVE/PVP encounters. Additional mechanics and campaign loot available per DM.

Vehicle Battles
We use the Conquest Warmachine system for vehicle battles in Discord, including naval, land, and air. See these resources!
Campaign Timeline

None can withstand the storm!
Raszageth has fallen. Despite this blow to the Primal Incarnate, the enemies of order who seek to reshape the land have not broken rank. The Primalists have taken up the mantle of revenge and now call upon all who seek to throw down the Dragon Aspects. Dark eyes set their sights on the Ruby Life Pools and cruel machinations are sought for the forges of war within the Obsidian Citadel. Should these bastions fall, not only will the white spires of Valdrakken be in peril, but all those who have stood for order in Azeroth.
Pitiful wretches, fall and join my army...forever.
Where once blighted earth stretched across nations, new enriched lands awaited the hands of farmers, ranchers, and good folk. Fields of plenty dotted with bright flowers and meadows of green grass fill the landscape where dying, hollowed woods once stood like jagged teeth against the hazed sky. But the bright life and hope held a devious trap ensnaring all folk that set down roots, as the lich Thalessa Everbright closed her fist and claimed their lives. The final attack of the lich and Scourge were met by the call to arms of the Argent Crusade and the Coalition. See the Lichfall page.
May the world fall to endless winter.
A violent storm brews in the Alterac Mountains, and the misbegotten children cast out seek vengeance against the Alliance, Horde, and neutral allied by summoning new powers into the fray. Lok'harak, a Frost Lord of ancient tales rises from the depths from the help of the Syndicate and the Winterax Tribe to bring about an eternal winter to all of Alterac, and if not stopped, all of Lordaeron. The Alliance and Horde must work together to stop the eternal winter and cast out the local brigands in Everfrost. See the Everfrost page.
Blood and rage will not wait long in these hills.
Emboldened by the thinning lines of Alliance and Horde, the mongrels of the Barrens now aggressively test the defenses of the major factions. Patrols, traders, and even fortified outposts of the Horde and Alliance have been attacked, with false flags planted to stoke the tensions of the thinly-held armistice. Quillboar war drums thunder from the depths of the Kraul. Centaur and Harpies raise war banners. The Venture Company arms these denizens with equipment salvaged from the Iron Horde, seeking vengeance for their losses in Stranglethorn. In the shadows of the Overgrowth and within the walls of Northwatch Hold, a clandestine power seeks to ignite the flames of war. See the Thornwake page.
Of course. I bring de word from Zul’Gurub. We tink it be time for new leadahs here in de Vale.
Stranglethorn, the everblooming jewel of the southern Eastern Kingdoms, is lush and rife with flora, fauna, and people of all cultures. As the Horde and Alliance have settled their war and the shadow of Death looms over the world, threats have risen deep within the tropical wilderness. Skirmishes with the remnants of Colonel Kurzen's rebellion have brought the attention of the humans of Stormwind. The Zandalari's new allegiance to the Horde has sparked dissent among the Gurubashi Trolls; slights and years of war against them are not so easily forgiven. Dark forces are afoot, stirring these tensions and preparing for a dark ritual. The jungle holds many dangers, but those who know where to look will find riches beyond imagining. See the Tropic Sunder page.
Forces of the Alliance and Horde descended upon the Forgotten Shore with the hopes they could put the fallen spirits to rest held in their hearts. But the rage and torment caused by the tearing of the sky made such a mission impossible to complete.
The eternal veil screams, torn asunder above the frozen wastes of Icecrown. Even as the shattered sky presents terrifying new threats, an old enemy has been released from the shackles that bound them. Guided by a sinister hand from beyond, undead swarm across Azeroth to take advantage of a world weakened by strife. The Alliance and Horde must sail north with all haste to aid the Argent Crusade in confronting the Scourge's most dangerous leaders. If they fail, Azeroth will forever be condemned to torment... In Death's Shadow. See the In Death's Shadow page.
“The accused has been found guilty of crimes against the Pandaren people, and treason against brothers and sisters-in-arms in the campaign against N’zoth.” The dreamer’s sleep was interrupted--
The war against the forces of N'zoth continues. As darkness spreads throughout Azeroth, the Golden Lotus of Pandaria have put out a desperate plea for aid to combat the evil that once again threatens the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Alliance, Horde, and neutral factions suffering from losses sustained in their failed campaign in Uldum shall scrape together what forces they can to aid the Pandaren in their most desperate hour. What remains to be seen, however, is whether this effort will banish the shadow from Pandaria or crumble before the insidious schemes of N'zoth. See the Discord records.
We are....Ș̸̓A̷̍ͅT̴̜́H̴̢̍O̵̙̔G̴̬̋... That Which They Woke...YOU woke...
Ever since his unchaining beneath Nazjatar, N’zoth has been silent- and the world has grown ever more worried for what his dark designs entail. The Corruptor is both cunning and patient though, and in the wake of the Fourth War’s ending, he has seen fit to make his move. It begins in the west, the oldest and most ancient clutches of eggs are stirred by a tendril of the Old One’s will. As they feed on the desiccated remains of C’thun beneath Ahn’qiraj, the ancient Aqir gather in great number to swarm over Uldum and claim the Forge of Origination for their master.
When Sargeras’ sword split the world, the resulting earthquakes stirred the ancient Amathet tribe from their tombs in Uldum. Led by the mythical Sun King, they set sail from their home in search of Azeroth’s blood- and the power to fulfill their Titan-given mission… the purification of Azeroth, no matter the cost. As N’zoth’s influence rises, the Amathet return to their ancient homeland to seek the only thing that can save all of Azeroth- Reorigination.
The Sun Priests of Ramkahen have seen the dark visions, and foretold dark tidings to come to King Phaoris, who marshals his Tol’vir for the war that is to come to their homeland soon. They are joined by the League of Explorers and the Wastewander- but despite their pride in forming the Uldum Accord, all of them know in their hearts that this will not be enough. They must seek help- and so the battered armies of the Horde and Alliance must set sail to aid them one more time.
Somewhere out there, N’zoth watches this confluence of forces with great interest. The board has been set, and the pieces move towards their final, inevitable conclusion. All the while, his tendrils burrow ever-deeper into the minds of his future servants… See the Discord records.
This was the closest the mind could accomplish to understanding the Laughter of a freed, reborn, awake One. He who was ancient before the World had cooled.
Seeking to crush the threat posed by the Naga once and for all, the Grand Alliance and New Horde plan to lay siege to Nazjatar with a grand fleet of aerial vehicles, gunships, and beasts of war. With the implications of the Alliance-Horde armistice still fresh in the minds of many, soldiers will be forced to work with their enemies in a fight for survival and for the ultimate defeat of Queen Azshara at the bottom of the sea. See the Discord records.
The Void aberration loomed above, growing fat off of the souls of the war-dead.
As the seas cleared of blood and cracked hulls settled into the depths, the battles over Vashj'ir had ended. But ripples from the actions of a single ship continued well beyond in the halls of the Alliance and war chambers of the Horde. A ship of the Argents took down their colors and fired upon the Horde to aid others nearly sunk. Their need to save lives endangered their own, and led to battles at Menethiel harbor as a trial was held. Cannons fired on the docks and ships clashed in the bay. A risen void horror took victory from all that night. See the Discord records.
Carve through the landwalkers...sing your siren's call...heed the rising shadows...our time has come!
Despite new threats emerging in Nazjatar, Mechagon, and elsewhere in Azeroth, the war between the Grand Alliance and New Horde rages on. The factions which rallied to halt world-ending calamities in times past have reformed in this age of strife, believing the rise of cultist and void activity a greater threat that must be addressed. With Teldrassil burned, the Undercity destroyed, Dazar’alor sacked, and the Alliance fleet scattered by Azshara, the playing field has been leveled for new powers to rise and pursue conquest to further their own ends.
Word has spread of rising Naga and Twilight Cultist activity in Vashj’ir, where nearly a decade ago, the forces of the Alliance and Horde stopped the Cult of the Twilight’s Hammer from enslaving Neptulon and killing the remaining Ancients of the Deep. The Argent Crusade, Earthen Ring, and even the Champions of Azeroth have voiced concerns to the Alliance and Horde about the danger of leaving these old enemies unchecked.
Word has also spread, however, that a fleet of goblin vessels laden with Azerite has sunk amidst the Kelp Forest of Vashj’ir under mysterious circumstances. Unwilling to allow such precious resources fall into enemy hands, the Alliance and Horde have prepared what remains of their naval fleets to secure this Azerite with the hope that it will further their efforts in the great war. See the Discord records.
No, I will not surrender. Because no matter what happens here today... Zandalar will stand long after your Alliance has crumbled to dust.
The Blood War rapidly spread to all corners of Azeroth. As battlefronts raged in the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, the new allies of the Alliance and Horde in Kul Tiras and Zandalar were eager to contribute to the war effort now that their local threats have been subdued. Unwilling to allow the Zandalari Empire opportunity to strike first, King Anduin Wrynn gathered a massive invasion force to attack the island nation and bring the city of Dazar'alor to its knees. With the support of the Kul Tiran Navy, the Alliance may well have prevailed in Zandalar - but only if it managed to survive the unforgiving wilds which the Zandalari Empire calls home.
The Horde, anticipating this invasion force, had begun preparing their defenses. Great war machines were deployed throughout the isle, and troops from Kalimdor were shipped in daily to the bustling port city of Dazar'alor. The Zandalari Empire knew this isle better than any other faction in Azeroth, and would employ every tactic they could to ensure that the Alliance would fail in their hubris. See the Discord records and gallery.
That which you have stolen will be your undoing...
To defend Azeroth, the forces of the Grand Alliance rallied and prepared to enter the shards of a broken world. Joined with the Army of the Light, they set upon the denizens of the Burning Legion to aid in the final battles pressing back and ending the threat. But at what cost remains to be judged. See the Grand Alliance and Discord records.